
Len Insalaca

Director of 美术


美术方面, our objective at HSP is to teach our students to know, 爱, and serve God through the pursuit of the true, 良好的, 美丽的, thereby helping them become the saints God has created them to be.

HSP’s fine 艺术s curriculum consists of general music, 视觉艺术, band, choir, 戏剧, 音乐剧, 和管弦band. Because the fine 艺术s are essential to a classical education, our philosophy is guided by a holistic approach. This means that the 艺术s are not studied in isolation, 而是, the study of each area of the 艺术s informs the others, as well as the other core subject areas.


The 视觉艺术 are essential to a classical Catholic education. 圣灵预科的K-12视觉艺术课程使学生能够探索艺术制作, 艺术历史, 艺术欣赏, 通过天主教神学和基督教传统的镜头进行艺术批评, encouraging students to utilize their God-given talents.

With a strong design foundation, 学生学习如何寻求创新的设计解决方案和表达自己的艺术形式. This design thinking emphasis helps spark inner motivation, self-initiated discovery, and experimentation.


“通过他的‘艺术创造’,人比以往任何时候都更像‘上帝的形象’.’” – Saint John Paul II, Letter to Artists, 1999



In the 视觉艺术 at Holy Spirit Preparatory School, 我们遇到, 思考, 沉思古典和历史艺术作品,寻找我们自己对美的新顿悟.受圣鼓励. John Paul II's words in his letter to 艺术ists, 我们寻求激励我们的学生从事与他们的工作新福音,使他们的生活与上帝的恩典的杰作.

视觉艺术 Coordinator


In Kinderg艺术en and 1st grade, we focus on developing singing and movement skills, primarily through traditional folk music. Our program encourages students to be tuneful, 美丽的, and 艺术ful through the following exercises:

  • 节探索
  • Song Fragments (Echo/call and response songs)
  • 简单的歌曲
  • Arioso (Child-created tunes)
  • Song Tales (Songs that tell a story)
  • Movement Exploration
  • Movement for Form and Expression
  • Movement with the Beat
  • Beginning Keyboarding Fundamentals

In addition to their general music study, beginning in 2nd grade, students begin Conversational Solfege Level One, a curriculum designed for teaching music literacy. 这种方法采用了12个步骤来培养学生的听觉技能, the way language is taught, before musical symbols are introduced. We also introduce Orff instruments and recorders at this stage.

Our 2nd and 3rd Grade Core Curriculum includes:

  • Conversational Solfege
  • 音乐 History Course
  • 录音机合奏
  • 奥尔夫合奏
  • 民间舞蹈
  • Intermediate/Advanced Keyboard Fundamentals

在上海, 器乐是我们课程的核心元素,在学生的思想发展中起着不可或缺的作用, body, 和灵魂. 从四年级开始,HSP的所有学生都要学习管乐器或打击乐器. 我们帮助每个孩子找到最适合他们的乐器,让他们在音乐上脱颖而出. There are five bands at HSP: 4th Grade Beginning Band, 5th Grade Concert Band, Middle School Symphonic Band, Middle School Symphonic Winds, and High School Wind Symphony.

我们也提供室内乐合奏的课外机会, including woodwind and brass quintets, saxophone and clarinet qu艺术ets, percussion ensemble, and several 爵士乐 bands. Our students work with guest conductors, performing in three to four concerts a year, 我们的高中管乐团曾在环球影城的公园音乐节上演出. 今年春天,他们将在奥兰多的迪斯尼世界演出.

The following instruments are offered as p艺术 of our curriculum:


  • 长笛
  • 双簧管
  • 单簧管
  • 低音单簧管*
  • 巴松管
  • 中音萨克斯风*
  • 男高音萨克斯管*
  • Baritone Saxophone*


  • 小号
  • 法国号
  • 长号
  • 次中音号
  • 大号

打击* *

  • 锤敲击
  • 小军鼓
  • 低音鼓
  • 定音鼓
  • Auxiliary Percussion



学生可以通过我们与阿森松音乐学院的合作来提高他们的技能. This extracurricular program offers one-on-one lessons, small group ensemble opportunities, 和试镜指导,以帮助学生更好地准备独奏和合奏室内乐独奏, 节日, and honor band auditions.

St. Augustine once said: “Those who sing pray twice.当我们唱赞美诗和祷告的时候,我们就能更好地荣耀和尊敬我们的上帝. 这就是为什么我们的choir是我们古典课程的重要组成部分. 初中和高中的学生学习唱歌和表演各种类型的音乐,包括圣歌, 爵士乐, 显示歌曲, 和流行. Our choirs sing for concerts, 每周一次的质量, and HSP events such as the Annual Gala, 确认, 和毕业.

In our vocal performance classes, 学生运用声乐技巧来表演音乐传统的作品,如格里高利圣咏, 神圣的复调音乐, 音乐剧, 和其他人. 学生们通过培养试镜准备技能来为大学音乐课程做准备, 音乐理论, 视, 声乐技术, and performance technique. Vocal performance is interdisciplinary; students apply history, 数学, 写作, 艺术, 和其他科目的音乐学习,以提高他们的表演和对作品的理解.

Advanced students can audition for Schola Cantorum, 专门从事神圣的合唱音乐并让学生有机会成为我们的音乐大使, spreading God’s message throughout the community and the world.

Although we do not st艺术 students on string instruments at HSP, we have various students who enter with string experience. 为了适应这些学生,我们提供了在高中加入弦乐团的选择. 乐器包括小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴和钢琴. Students perform in concerts in both the fall and spring semesters.

弦乐团的重点是两个标准的弦乐团文学和新的曲目, 结合音乐理论和音乐史的元素来理解其社会背景下的曲目. Students are taught instrumental technique, 语气生产, 调优, fundamentals of 音乐理论, 音乐阅读, and listening skills. In addition to learning to compose and perform original pieces, 学生可以参加室内乐团和荣誉乐团的演出.


我真的很喜欢在band里,band老师是很好的榜样. I hope to play like them one day! 我交的朋友鼓励我的信仰,帮助我专注于我的成绩.

Middle School student

课外 项目

Ascension 音乐 Academy

HSP与阿森松音乐学院(AMA)合作,提供私人音乐课程 within the comfort of our campus. In addition to private lessons, AMA also offers chamber 为希望发展音乐才能的学生提供合奏指导 组设置. 这个项目对于计划独奏的学生来说是一个极好的资源 和合奏节和室内乐独奏或希望参加各种荣誉合奏试镜.


任何参加戏剧作为课外活动的学生每年秋天都有机会成为演出的一部分. 古典戏剧是指古希腊和古罗马的戏剧传统, centered around the literary, 技术, and performance elements.

戏剧在秋季学期演出,平均演员人数约为18名学生. Performances showcase classical works such as Greek tragedies, 罗马喜剧, and the works of William Shakespeare.


集成语音, 代理, 和舞蹈, 音乐剧帮助学生发展创造性的表达和沟通技巧. 每年春天, students perform in a classic Broadway production; some previous performances include Annie, 音乐之声, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, Seussical: The 音乐al, 灰姑娘, and many more favorites!

Holy Spirit Prep 艺术 Alliance

The Holy Spirit Prep 艺术 Alliance (HSPAA) encourages, 支持, 并在天主教和精神环境中补充HSP的美术课程. Obtained through memberships, 赞助, and fundraising events, 艺术联盟的拨款增加了部门的预算,并为音乐提供了额外的支持, 剧院, and 视觉艺术 dep艺术ments.

Below is a list of the different membership levels the HSPAA offers. 如果您有兴趣在这里列出的会员资格之外的其他级别为HSP的艺术做出贡献,或者想成为企业赞助商, please contact the Director of the 艺术, Len Insalaca, at 艺术s@walletyer.com or the Director of Development, Ed Festa at support@walletyer.com.

Many thanks to our 2021-22 艺术 Alliance Members!


大师- 1000美元以上

  • 2 艺术 Alliance polo shirts
  • 4张HSP 美术门票活动(LS, MS, & US)
  • 圣诞音乐会及春季音乐会优先入场券4张
  • 艺术 Alliance vehicle decal

神童- 500美元以上

  • 2 艺术 Alliance polo shirts
  • 2张免费参加HSP 美术门票活动(LS, MS, & US)
  • 艺术 Alliance vehicle decal


  • 1 艺术 Alliance polo shirt
  • 艺术 Alliance vehicle decal

Friend of the 艺术 – $100+

  • 艺术 Alliance vehicle decal

会员- $1+

  • 艺术 Alliance vehicle decal
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